The September 2014 issue of CAR magazine has a supercar bent: we chart six decades of supercars, from the very first – arguably Lamborghini’s Miura – to the latest crop of LaFerrari, McLaren P1 and Porsche 918. We drive them all, plus we look at the genesis of the breed from the 1960s to the present day.
We picked the best examples from each decade – and when it came to choosing the most influential supercars from the ‘60s and 70s, we found it hard to look past these two: the Lamborhgini Miura and Countach. Both star as cover heroes in our series of six artworks on the Setpember 2014 issue.
See the two Lambo legends in our video above. Our correspondent Ben Whitworth ruminates over what makes these two supercars so special and asks what they did to further the cause of supercarkind. It’s a rare chance to see this pair of Lamborghinis up close together.
Don’t forget you can read the full six-page feature in the September 2014 issue of CAR magazine. Browse our free digital preview here, where you can see our Lamborghini Miura vs Countach feature and the rest of the magazine in our page-turner.
You can also read our digital editions specially crafted for iOS on iPad, Android editions in the Google Play store, and for e-readers in our Nook and Kobo versions. Find out more in our magazine preview here.

We have six different covers available on the September 2014 issue of CAR – including these two glorious Lamborghinis. Which is your favourite? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.