VW Bluemotion across America – East to West

By Car magazine
Updated: 26 January 2015

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Not the sort of scenery you usually get when driving your 59-plate Golf TDI… Chris Chilton’s Bluemotion Golf was shipped from the UK especially for CAR Magazine’s feature in the new March 2011 issue – where we crossed America to hunt down an audience with outgoing California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
A sight VW hopes will become more common in America: Golf TDI cruises across the country.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Golf makes an appearance in New Orleans in our 10-page drive story. Louisiana residents mistake our man for a college kid in his little VW ‘Rabbit’.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
The Chiltonator continues his charge across America. 

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Leaving the weight-training a little late if you want to impress Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
When Arnie raided the gun shop in Commando, he didn’t need to deal with blister-packaging…

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Chris finds inspiration amongst the men’s fitness mags. Although he’s more of a Men’s Health ‘killer abs in just minutes a day’ reader usually. 

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Audition for the next series of CSI: Miami not going well.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America The UK suburban family car of choice looks a bit lost in the backstreets of Miami.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Golf TDI says: ‘If my owners can have tropical package holidays, why can’t I?’

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Golf TDI flashes its eco-credentials. US gas-pump unimpressed. Chris actually struggled to find diesel in many gas stations in the US.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Uncle Sam remains unmoved by show of British muscle. Chilton not shy of making fool of himself to fuel the Schwarzenegger theme of his story.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Redonkulous – a Chevrolet Monte Carlo in ‘hi-riser’ custom spec. Yes, people do that to their cars on purpose.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Golf TDI driver needs more firepower if he’s going to impress his ’80s action hero.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America A different kind of Blue motion. 

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Behold the cheapness…smaller gallons than the UK, mind. CAR’s publisher ponders moving editorial team to the US to cut our fuel bills.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Don’t make him angry…you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Chilton really is Schwarzenegger’s No.1 fan… don’t share a room with him at press events, it might get rough. Photographer ended up sleeping on the floor to make space for Arnie.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America You have to have at least one epic sunset on a road trip, and this was ours.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Passing through so many cities on our cross-the-USA jaunt it’s all a bit of a blur.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Newly delivered white goods at the general store.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Photographer Greg Pajo was very pleased with this shot until he realised the Chiltonator wasn’t stopping to pick him up afterwards.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Golf TDI’s audition for remake of Duel off to a flying start.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America They always come out of the sun, don’t they?

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Bluemotion TDI tech should appeal to the eco-conscious hipsters of Austin – perhaps the most un-Texan city in Texas, and the state capital.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Golf goes into the desert to find itself on gap-year holiday to America. Looks small in America, doesn’t it?

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
It’s a homage to Arnie and rave culture – with a flouro AK-47.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Just be glad we didn’t publish the Conan the Barbarian homage shot where our man strips down to fur underpants. Seriously.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Diesel power puts the Golf in some rather rough company in America.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
‘For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself….’  Classic Radiohead video remake did stop before setting fire to the car, though. 

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Are we there yet… are we there yet… are we there yet…

VW Bluemotion road trip across America Potential winner in the VW Press Office ‘Make the Golf TDI look cool’ competition.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America It’s not a Schwarzenegger film, but Chilton tries to hit 88mph for a bit of time-travelling anyway.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
No, Arnie wasn’t in The Crow, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Bird on a Wire or To Kill a Mockingbird.

 VW Bluemotion road trip across America Attacking the freeway system… in a Golf.

VW Bluemotion road trip across America 
Smog? Must be in Los Angeles then.

By Car magazine