Our Cars brief update: Subaru WRX STI (month two), CAR+ March 2016

Updated: 22 February 2016

► Month two with our Subaru WRX STI
► Mark Walton expresses his love for Subaru
► Immense 4×4 traction and innate balance 

If you felt last month’s intro to our new WRX was unfair to Subaru (‘a tide of anonymous hatchback and bizarre estates’) don’t worry, I’m allowed to be rude, I’m an actual Subaru owner. This diesel Forester is our family workhorse, purchased with my own money (that’s like a cat burglar buying his own ladder).

The common genes? They share the same firmly sprung solidity, 4×4 grip and innate balance; but deep down, I just love the brand – the ‘Fuji Heavy Industries’ badge and the quirky engineering. Any criticism is just me being cruel to be kind.

Read the previous long-term update here

Logbook: Subaru WRX STI 

Price: £28,995 
As tested: £28,995 
Miles this month: 679 
Total miles: 3666 
Our mpg: 22.3
Official mpg: 27.2 
Fuel this month: £172.34
Extra costs: £0

Read more from the March 2016 issue of CAR magazine

By Mark Walton

Contributing editor, humorist, incurable enthusiast