Our Cars brief update: Mazda MX-5 (month two), CAR+ February 2016

Updated: 20 January 2016

► Month two with the Mazda MX-5
► It does lack the grunt of our old Lambo
► Already got a tyre-pressure warning light 

Settling into life with the new MX-5, I won’t lie: I miss the grunt of my previous Lambo Huracan. And for some reason, other motorists are less inclined to observe good lane discipline when it’s the dinky Mazda following behind. Otherwise, everything is peachy – there are many nicely considered touches, including the way the air-con automatically engages when you switch to the demist setting, and the handy tyre-pressure warning light. Hold on. Should I be seeing that so often? Time to visit the dealer already?

Logbook Mazda MX-5 1.5 Sport Nav

Engine: 1496cc 16v 4-cyl, 129bhp @ 7000rpm, 111lb ft @ 4800rpm  
Gearbox: 6-spd manual, rwd 
Stats: 8.3sec 0-62mph, 127mph, 139g/km
Price: £22,445 
As tested: £23,105 
Miles this month: 959 
Total miles: 4558 
Our mpg: 40.7 
Official mpg: 47.1 
Fuel: £119.52 
Extra costs: £0

By CJ Hubbard

Head of the Bauer Digital Automotive Hub and former Associate Editor of CAR. Road tester, organiser, reporter and professional enthusiast, putting the driver first