Our Cars brief update: Audi TTS (month seven), CAR+ March 2016

Updated: 22 February 2016

► Month seven with the Audi TTS Coupe
► Matrix LED lights a real plus in the countryside
► Tech shutters high-beam light to avoid dazzling drivers 

This gloomy time of year is the perfect opportunity to show off the Audi TT’s Matrix LED headlamps. Would I spend £945 on them? Living in the countryside, I think I might. 

The principle is this: you drive around everywhere on full beam, letting clever sensors detect other road users and shutter the light to avoid dazzling them. It’s damn clever stuff, the beam pattern actively changing as you drive along. It’s quick and eerily accurate, bathing the road in bright white.

I do get the occasional flash from other road users, though, suggesting it’s not quite as perfect as it seems from behind the wheel…

Read the previous long-term update here

Logbook Audi TTS Coupe 

Price: £40,270 
As tested: £46,565 
Miles this month: 1180 
Total miles: 8763 
Our mpg: 28.2
Official mpg: 40.9 
Fuel: £224.36 
Extra costs: £0

Read more from the March 2016 issue of CAR magazine

By Tim Pollard

Director of Content – Digital, car news magnet, crafter of words