CAR Online: some technical glitches

Published: 03 June 2009 Updated: 26 January 2015

CAR Online’s been struck by some rogue page breakages in the past few weeks – and we’d like to keep you in the loop with the problem.

You might have noticed that our scoop on the Jaguar XJ broke overnight, leaving readers with an error page if they clicked to read the article. Sadly, a few pages have broken recently in this fashion.

What’s causing the problem?

Our IT doctors are investigating as you read this. It seems that the problem is related to a glitch in the user comments function, which is why you might have witnessed article pages losing all comments on occasion.

If you return to a page after a period of inactivity, comments can sometimes be lost. Our advice is to spend less than 20 minutes writing a comment (or since the page loaded) – as that is the interval after which comments can be lost.

Please bear with us while we fix this technical glitch. Rest assured, we’re as annoyed by it as you are!

By Tim Pollard

Group digital editorial director, car news magnet, crafter of words
